My name is Vicky and,

I am a Product designer.

I pursue the design of products from a hollistic point of view for a wholesome experience. My motivated and observant nature guides me through the entire design process.

Proud Argentinian

I am a Buenos Aires ‘porteña’ with a sense of humor, living in Menlo Park, CA.


I love cats so much that worked in a ‘cat-lounge’ with 24 cats as a ‘cat-wrangler’. Yes, fur real.

Ice-cream connoisseur

Let’s be honest. If you haven’t tried dulce de leche ice cream, you haven’t tried ice cream yet.

Merchant Marketplace

E-commerce that helps small business owners get noticed in their community

role: UX Designer

tool: Figma

team: 2 designers and 4 developers

timeline: 4 months

View case study

Expat Journal

Social media for expatriates to connect and share their experiences.

role: UX Designer

tool: Figma

team: 1 designer and 4 developers

timeline: 2 months

Pet Finder

Pet adoption social media app for shelter volunteers and pet adopters.

role: UX Designer

tool: Figma

team: 2 designers

timeline: 2 months


Hi! My name is Victoria and I'm a Product Designer. Born and raised in Argentina and now based in Menlo Park, CA.

I have always been passionate about many creative fields which drove me to dabble in drawing and painting, fashion design, knitting, interior design, even cat apparel - yes, I was 12 and had a sewing machine, can you blame me? - I studied UX Design and merged all my previous knowledge to use as inspiration for my designs.

I believe that simple and easy-to-navigate products are in need today. I consider myself meticulous and observant, yet I like to exchange and share ideas with others.

Feel free to contact me at